Modern discourse is passionate. It is relentless. It is democratized, networked, distributed, immediate and global. In the time it took our great, great, great grandfathers to dip a quill into an inkwell and blot the tip, a tweet can streak from California to Cambodia, spawning comments, reactions and new conversations along the way.
Modern discourse is passionate. It is relentless. It is democratized, networked, distributed, immediate and global.
So why add another voice? This is a good question, and here is our answer. Room remains in the public square for the reasonable articulation of a worldview. Valuable contributions arise from weighing the merits of the milieu in which we find ourselves. In particular, it is the unashamed stance of the authors of this site that the Christian worldview provides the best context for interpreting the events playing out on the world stage, and that such evaluation is both necessary and reasonable. Here, then, are three ways in which we hope this little patch of thought-space will be characterized by reasonable talk.
First, we intend for the discussion and commentary which appears here to be reasonable in its content. We believe that this world was created by God, exists for God, and is responsible to God as described in God’s particular act of revelation to man – the Bible. I understand that this premise may strike the reader as an intellectual non sequitur, but I would invite and request a stay of judgment since it can be argued, compellingly, that the biblical worldview holds up well when subjected to the rigors of reality. In fact, the superiority of the biblical worldview is such that it alone provides a truly reasonable explanation of reality. Disagree? Please defend your worldview! Our presuppositions have been clearly identified up front, but we welcome robust debate and discussion since any worldview worthy of use must be able to endure the strictest examination.
Second, we desire that the discussion and commentary which appears here will be reasonable in its argumentation. As a direct result of affirming the existence and governance of God, the use of logic and argument are undertaken with seriousness. We believe the universe demonstrates physical, intellectual, and moral principles which point towards a created order. The defensibility of a worldview’s premises will therefore be of higher concern than our experiential feelings (though they are at times relevant). On two fronts, then, we will attempt to employ reasoned arguments. We hope to be reasoned in (1) demonstrating the consistency of the biblical worldview in adequately explaining the events playing out in our world, and (2) defending the cogency of the biblical worldview by defending its premises.
Third, we purpose for the discussion and commentary which appears here to be reasonable in its tone. If this resource is to be truly useful, it must be marked by charity as well as clarity. We believe that there is an important middle ground between pathos-riddled demagoguery and universal skepticism. Our commitment to you the reader is that we will speak freely and without apology about our convictions and beliefs, but will do so without malice or ridicule towards any individual. We respectfully request the same in response.
So then, let’s talk.